isn't it? The same corporate media outlets, journalists and pundits
that were all in for Hillary, are now trying to convince the country
that a poorly run, hardly seen Russian troll campaign is grounds for
reversing the election, and launching a war with a nuclear power. This
is insanely irresponsible.
finance watchdogs say "Correct
The Record is “creating new ways to undermine campaign regulation.”' The
FEC, split between Democrats and Republicans, was deadlocked on taking
action against David Brock and his multimillion dollar troll farm. In
those FEC filings, Hillary Clinton's Correct the Record trolls were
listed, including their salaries.
you may remember, Bernie Sanders' supporters were the first victims of
Hillary Clinton's likely illegal astroturfing efforts with CTR and
it's "Breaking
Barriers"online spam and troll campaign, and they
were not happy.
Watson of The Sunlight Foundation observed that the astroturf effort
goes far beyond merely defending Clinton, to targeting and
intimidating those who criticize her. She told The Daily Beast,
seems to be going after essentially random individuals online.
(Clinton's troll network) Is meant to appear to be coming
organically from people and their social media networks in a
groundswell of activism, when in fact it is highly paid and highly
Kos forum posters also noticed
Correct The Record interference:
have been a number of diaries claiming to ‘have switched from Bernie
to Hillary’ lately, and some of them have been from recently created
accounts with no record of pro-Sanders remarks or diaries.”
the election, there were allegations of CTR bribing Reddit mods to
silence, censor anti-Clinton posters, and coordinate "downvotes" and
"upvotes" to promote Hillary and hide pro-Trump views.
new incarnation, ShareBlue was eventually
from the [Reddit] whitelist for violation of our media disclosure
policies." ~ r/politics
• r/Against_Astroturfing
according to FEC filings Clinton's CTR PAC disbursed $9,617,828.28 in
2016. Most interesting is that CTR PAC listed $0 for expenditures,
other than $4k in filing and administrative costs.

Brock spent $10 million dollars and claimed it wasn't part of any
normally listed campaign expenditure. He spent $10M on sock accounts,
trolls and paying off mods on social media. That’s nearly a factor of
ten times more than what has been claimed the 13 indicted Russians
OfA PAC uses similar astroturf, troll-farm tactics as Hillary/Brock's
CTR/ShareBlue. We know that the "Russian bots" accounted for 0.43% of
total election-year political tweets. I'd love to see the totals for
bots linked to the Democrats, given the funding differential.
trolls swarm when contentious subjects like gun control, DACA,
Obamacare, or corruption by Democrats are in the news and trending
topics column on Twitter. They attacked during the #PPSellsBodyParts scandal.
They've been all over during the aftermath of the Florida school
shooting, pushing "gun sense" and signal-jamming opponents to David
Hogg and his Rescue Rangers. None of this
should come as a particular surprise at this point.
in October 2016-January 2017, these Democrat operated sock accounts
took on "Ex-GOP, #NeverTrump, "Reagan
Conservative!" appearances, to push
anti-Trump propaganda, and directly attack conservatives who expressed
support for Trump. Pretending to be "real
conservatives" and shaming people to control
the opposition to damage the President is a low tactic, even for
Correct The Record.
we don't know the full extent of this problem, it is clear that the
CTR/OfA Democrat trolls participated in spreading "cuck-Nazi" attacks
on Republicans. They helped flood social media with dank memes, and
virulent messages, aimed at Blue Check moderates, who reacted so
poorly. CTR/OfA socks also promoted the more fringe characters on the
alt-right, pushed down the less extreme, and helped smear alt-lite
figures, to paint the narrative that all conservatives were literally
Nazis, and sow division in the ranks. It
election PAC CTR became ShareBlue in Jan 2017. Several prominent #NeverTrumpconservatives
have been linked to Brock's propaganda farm, including Cheri Jacobs,
Ana Navarro and people associated with Evan McMullin. An investigation
into the corporate paper trail behind Shareblue reveals that it
appears to be supported and sponsored by a raft of foreign interests
from China, Britain, Israel and various Middle Eastern entities [SA,
Qatar, Iran] to interfere in American politics.
to a report
in ZeroHedge:
investigation into a shadowy world of shell companies and chains of
influence stretching all over the globe has revealed that Democratic
propaganda figure David Brock's organization Shareblue appears to be
an apparent front group being used by a number of Chinese, Middle
Eastern, British, Israeli, Mexican and American special interests to
spread anti-Trump and anti-democratic rhetoric both during the
presidential election as well as in its aftermath.”
is basically Google or Apple in terms of scale, compared to the poorly
run and ineffective, mom and pop operation of Russian trolls busted by
has made pushing propaganda on Twitter and other social media for
foreign interests into big business. From the same ZeroHedge piece:

Daou is the CEO of Shareblue's holding company, True Blue Media LLC.
An adviser to Hillary Clinton, in addition to the Clinton
Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, the U.S. Department of Energy,
the UN Foundation, Microsoft, Intel, AARP, PR Newswire and Bloomberg
Philanthropies and the UK's UBMplc. Daou played an advisory role for
OneVoice International, an "international grassroots movement that
amplifies the voice of mainstream Israelis and Palestinians,
empowering them to propel their elected representatives toward the
two-state solution."
infographic shows the web of foreign ties that ShareBlue and it's
parent company True Blue Media have.

Daou, and others in the propaganda group could be in violation of
Foreign Agent Registration Act.Shareblue exists as an outlet for
political interests to subvert democratic institutions in America and
to promote [foreign] take advantage of American
citizens" –
The New York Times, Sept 2016 - Inside Hillary
Clinton’s Outrage Machine, Allies Push the Buttons.
"has instructed its surrogates to blame news coverage for negative
press. 'Are they going to hold Hillary to a different standard
again?' read one recent “talking points” memo..."
Devine, a senior strategist to Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont,
described ShareBlue, Dauo, and Brock as “The
pond scum of American politics,” which is
damning indeed from the camp of a hard-left candidate.
go into much more detail on the tactics deployed would take a book in
itself, so forgive us for covering in light strokes. Here is a link to
the full David
Brock confidential "playbook" for ShareBlue
trolls. I do encourage that you read it for yourself, it is highly
informative. Here is an excerpt which illustrates the agenda and the
massive resources available to David Brock’s organization.

Further evidence of just how far Shareblue is willing to go to push
their narrative was dug up by Ethan
Pepper of Newsnuke last year.
all, CTR tricked people into thinking that Hillary Clinton had more
organic support online than she actually did. Countless bots and low
wage employees would smear Hillary’s opponents and scramble sensible
discussions about her flaws.”
because the Left cannot meme, detailed instructions had to be given to
enable paid shills to spread disinformation effectively. Check out
these instructions- particularly the emotive targeting and the
hilarious admission that pro-Hillary memes sucked.

Hillary SuperPAC Correct
the Record operated by David Brock morphed
into ShareBlue,
and continues their troll campaign on Twitter today using sock
accounts to sow disinformation and push narratives. They've spent
millions on this process already.
a leaked transcript of a Slack private message board, Brock claims
that they have been given an NSA sniffing program called "Fox Acid"
which was used to dox and threaten 'anonymous' users on Reddit and the
Chans. At the time, hundreds of users were outed, suspended or dropped
off the boards.

you have it folks- no big whoop, just a pro-Clinton PAC, illegally
coordinating with the campaign and using
NSA sniffing tools to out social media users and drive them off
platforms, while mobilizing a bot-net troll army to steer the
narratives, and bribing mods on boards to help.
taken into consideration with what we know of Fusion GPS, MM4A,
ShareBlue, CTR, George Soros’ Open Society, Tides Foundation, OfA,
American Bridge, Hamilton 66 and JournoList to name but a
few of the leftist organizations playing for keeps in the war for your
mind it appears pretty clear that the “Vast
Left-wing Conspiracy” is very real,
foreign-funded and pushing propaganda on both the American people and
those overseas.